Condolences to all…:(

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They weren’t just 127 people. They were 127 life stories. 127 dreams that are never realizing. 127 sons and daughters, husbands and wives, lovers and friends. I don’t know what the cause was, and frankly don’t care that much either.

All I know is that this is a reminder for all of us: Say your I Love Yous and Sorrys today. Forgive the people you’re holding grudges against. Let go with peace and harmony. Stop hatred. Stop being mean. Stop focusing on future too much and live in the now. That best shirt you have in your closet that you still haven’t worn thinking you’ll wear it on a special day? Wear it today. Take lots of pictures. Create memories. Make a difference. Follow your passion. Change lives ..

And above all, make sure that when you die, you leave enough behind that you are remembered as a person. Something a whole lot more than just a number. Just a body. Just an average human being.

A note by:Muhammad Abdullah.

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